Common tax mistakes in Barcelona companies

1. Late filing of taxes Failure to meet the deadlines set for filing taxes such as VAT, corporate income tax or personal income tax withholdings can result in surcharges and penalties. It is essential to keep strict control of deadlines to avoid penalties. 2. Incorrect application of tax deductions Many companies are unaware of the […]
How to Prepare for a Transfer Pricing Tax Audit: A Guide for Businesses

Transfer pricing tax audits are essential to ensure that companies comply with tax regulations in their transactions with related entities. These regulations require that intra-group transactions – such as the sale and purchase of goods, provision of services or transfer of intangible assets – are valued as if they were between independent parties, following […]
The First Tax and Accounting Steps for a Start-up Company in Spain

Starting a business in Spain involves not only complying with a series of legal steps, but also keeping up to date with tax and accounting matters to ensure the correct operation of the business. The following is a practical guide to the basic tax and accounting aspects that every entrepreneur needs to know in order […]
Supreme Court and Municipal Increment Tax: What’s Changing?

The Supreme Court has added another episode to the legal saga surrounding the municipal increment tax. The recent ruling establishes that taxpayers can request a refund, even if the assessment is final, when they’ve overpaid without making profits. This decision opens the door to seeking reimbursement through the special procedure outlined in the General Tax Law for specific cases of full nullity declaration.
Taxation of corporate income tax in SMEs: Key aspects and legal considerations

Corporate Income Tax is a fundamental tax in the taxation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This tax taxes the income of companies, that is, the profits obtained by companies during a specific fiscal year. In the case of SMEs, understanding how this tax is applied and how they can optimize their taxation is essential for their financial management and long-term viability.
Approval of rectifying self-assessments

The approval of rectifying self-assessments marks a significant change in the tax system, now allowing a unique approach to correct self-assessments, replacing the dual system of complementary self-assessment and rectification request.
Understanding the Limitation of Dividend Exemption in Corporate Taxes

In the complex world of corporate taxes, it’s crucial to stay updated on regulatory changes and understand their international business implications. One significant topic sparking debate is the limitation of dividend exemption. In this article, we’ll delve into what this limitation entails and its potential impacts on businesses.
Taxation of Holding Companies on Dividends and Capital Gains from Subsidiaries

Holding companies play a crucial role in corporate structures, enabling efficient management of subsidiaries. A key focus for these entities is taxation related to dividends and capital gains generated by subsidiaries. In this article, we’ll explore key aspects of this topic and how holding companies can optimize their tax position.
Analysis of Order HFP/1338/2023 on the special regime of Personal Income Tax for workers, professionals, entrepreneurs, and investors relocated to Spain

We’re pleased to delve into the recent Order HFP/1338/2023, published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) on December 15, 2023, bringing significant tax reforms, especially concerning Personal Income Tax (IRPF).
Strategic actions to optimise personal income tax (IRPF) settlements before the 2023 tax year end

In view of the imminent closure of the 2023 tax year, this presentation is intended to remind taxpayers of a series of measures that they can implement to reduce their Personal Income Tax (IRPF) settlement. These actions, based on the regulations in force and with a technical approach, cover various tax areas, each with its own particularities and potential benefits.