Gutiérrez Pujadas & Partners

In 2025, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and new companies in Spain have a series of tax incentives designed to promote their growth and competitiveness. The main measures and benefits available are detailed below:

1. Reduction of Corporate Tax

To lighten the tax burden on SMEs, reduced tax rates have been implemented for corporation tax:

  • Micro-SMEs: Companies with an annual turnover of less than 1 million euros.
    • 2025: First 50,000 euros of taxable income at 21%; rest at 22%.
    • 2026: First 50,000 euros at 19%; rest at 21%.
    • In 2027: First 50,000 euros at 17%; rest at 20%.
  • Small companies: Turnover between 1 and 10 million euros.
    • In 2025: General tax rate of 20%.

These reductions aim to provide SMEs with greater investment capacity and competitiveness in the market.

2. Deductions for Innovation and Technological Development

Tax deductions for research, development and technological innovation (R&D&I) activities are being maintained and extended. Companies that invest in innovative projects can benefit from deductions ranging from 25% to 42% of the expenses incurred in these activities.

3. Incentives for Digitisation and Sustainability

With the aim of promoting digital transformation and sustainability, the following measures have been introduced:

  • Deductions for investments in digitisation: Companies that adopt digital technologies can deduct a percentage of the investment made.
  • Tax benefits for energy efficiency: Deductions for improvements in the energy efficiency of facilities and production processes.

These initiatives seek to boost the modernisation of SMEs and their adaptation to current market demands.

4. Accelerated Depreciation and Freedom of Depreciation

Small companies can benefit from:

  • Accelerated depreciation: Possibility of depreciating new assets at double the maximum coefficient established in the official tables.
  • Freedom of depreciation: For investments in new tangible fixed assets, provided that specific requirements are met, such as maintenance or increase in workforce.

These measures allow companies to reduce their tax base in the first years of the asset’s life, improving their liquidity.

5. Special Regime of the Canary Islands Special Zone (ZEC)

Companies established in the Canary Islands Special Zone can benefit from a reduced corporate income tax rate of 4%, among other tax incentives. This regime seeks to promote the economic and social development of the Canary Islands, diversifying their productive structure.

6. Deductions for Job Creation

Deductions for job creation are maintained, especially aimed at:

  • Hiring unemployed young people.
  • Incorporating people with disabilities.

These deductions make it possible to reduce the full amount of corporation tax, incentivising the generation of quality employment.

7. Patent Box: Incentives for the Assignment of Intangibles

The Patent Box is a tax incentive that allows for a reduction in taxes on income from the transfer of certain intangible assets, such as patents and industrial designs. Companies can apply a 60% reduction in the net income obtained from such transfers.

8. Funding Support and Subsidies

In addition to tax incentives, the Government has allocated funds to support SMEs:

  • Direct subsidies: Specific programmes for strategic sectors and innovation projects.
  • Credit lines with advantageous conditions: Financing facilities for investments in fixed assets and working capital.

These grants seek to strengthen the business fabric and facilitate access to financial resources.

How can Gutiérrez Pujadas & Partners help you?

In the complex fiscal landscape of 2025, expert advice is essential to maximise available benefits and ensure regulatory compliance. Gutiérrez Pujadas & Partners is an international firm specialising in tax, legal and accounting advice, with more than 35 years of experience supporting SMEs and start-ups in Spain.

Our services include:

  • Tax and accounting advice: Supervision of accounting and preparation of periodic tax obligations, adapted to the specific needs of your company.
  • Strategic tax planning: Identification and application of relevant tax incentives for your business, optimising your tax burden.
  • Management of subsidies and financing: Assistance in identifying and applying for grants and credit lines available to your company.
  • Comprehensive legal advice: Support in the incorporation of companies, commercial contracts and regulatory compliance.

At Gutiérrez Pujadas & Partners, we are committed to being your strategic partner, providing personalised solutions that boost the growth and competitiveness of your company in the current tax environment. Contact us for an initial consultation and find out how we can help you make the most of the tax benefits available in 2025.