Gutiérrez Pujadas & Partners

How to Prepare for a Transfer Pricing Tax Audit: A Guide for Businesses

  Transfer pricing tax audits are essential to ensure that companies comply with tax regulations in their transactions with related entities. These regulations require that intra-group transactions – such as the sale and purchase of goods, provision of services or transfer of intangible assets – are valued as if they were between independent parties, following […]

International Business Expansion

  Expanding internationally allows companies to access new markets, diversify their customer base and take advantage of economies of scale. However, this process also involves risks, such as political instability or cultural differences. Careful planning is vital, including choosing the legal structure that best suits the company’s needs. Factors to consider before international expansion Before […]

Transfer Pricing: Key Strategy for International Tax Planning

What are transfer prices? Transfer prices are the values assigned to transactions between related companies or companies that are part of the same corporate group. These transactions include the purchase and sale of goods, the provision of services, and the transfer of intangible assets such as trademarks or patents. This concept is vital for multinational […]