Gutiérrez Pujadas & Partners

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Catalonia expands rental regulation

Regulación de los alquileres

In Catalonia’s legal landscape, a significant change has emerged in housing rental regulation, with important implications for landlords and tenants alike. The Government of Catalonia recently announced the approval of a Decree Law aimed at extending containment of temporary and residential rental prices, a measure taken under the State Law for the Right to Housing.

Discover the law of startups and special tax regimes in Spain

la ley de startup

In the business world, understanding laws and tax regimes is essential for ensuring the success and sustainability of any venture. In the Spanish context, where regulations can be complex and varied, knowing the specifics of the Startup Law and tax regimes is crucial for entrepreneurs, business owners, and financial professionals.

The Minimum Interprofessional Wage (MIW) in 2024: Legal Perspectives

SMI 2024

In the labor world, the Minimum Interprofessional Wage (MIW) represents a fundamental pillar in protecting workers and promoting fair labor conditions. Every year, its update sparks political, economic, and social debates regarding its impact on the economy, employment, and workers’ well-being. In this context, the year 2024 is no exception, and the MIW continues to be a topic of relevance and controversy in the legal and labor sphere.